27 ene 2016

Riga's Experience

Hello everyone!

Following the order of the photo, our names are Laura, Jamie, Alba, Nuria and Raquel.

This is our third day in Riga doing the Pop Up.

We arrive so late on sunday, that's why we didn't do nothing special, apart from talking till 3 am in the morning.

On Monday, teachers explain us the schedule of the project. Then at the afternoon, Riga students guide us and make a tour of the center of the city.
Here you have some photos.

As you can see, we are having really fun.

We have made new friends, especially the Italian ones, because we understand each other better.

For the project, we are separated in groups, so none of us are in the same. Then we talk english all the time with the Latvian and Finnish team.

There are still 2 more days, and there are the hardest ones, because is when Mosaico, the restaurant, it's opened.
Tomorrow, we have the gala dinner. Only one of us participe and this is Jamie. She will be doing the welcoming.
And both days is it opened in Gallerija, Laura is joining the restaurant both of them, and on friday night we have Jamie also.

Nuria, Alba and Raquel are incharge of giving flyers and invite people at the street to come and see us.

We have some free time everyday to do whatever we want. The first day we joined Mc Donald's and went shopping.

We will text you again, with more interesting things to explain.

See yoou again!

24 ene 2016

Nou Pop up restaurant a Riga Letònia

Dos alumnes de 2n de CFG superior; Jamie i Raquel; i tres de 2n batxillerat: Laura, Núria i Alba juntament amb els professors de cicles formatius Cristina López i Ricard Eguíluz, marxen avui cap a Riga (Letònia) per finalitzar el projecte internacional “ Italian Pop up restaurant in Riga” que varen començar a principi de curs.
El projecte consisteix a fer tots els preparatius (pla d’empresa, pla de màrqueting i publicitat, etc) per què durant la setmana del 25 al 30 de gener de 2016 es pugui obrir un restaurant italià pop up (efímer) durant dos dies a la capital de Letònia.
L’any passat es va obrir un restaurant espanyol a Hèlsinki i un altre finès a Badalona. Ara és el torn dels italians i al maig obrirem el darrer restaurant de menjar letó a Bardolino (Itàlia).
En aquest projecte participen sis escoles internacionals. Tres escoles de Formació Professional especialitat Administrativa ( dos d'Hèlsinki i la nostra escola) i tres escoles de Formació professional de cuina ( Una d'Hèlsinki, un altre de Riga i una més de Bardolino).

Podeu seguir les nostres aventures pel blog Internacional de cicles formatius:http://badalonesinternationalproject.blogspot.com.es