18 dic 2016

The last publication of us

Hey lectors,
We write to you for the last time, our last Saturday in Munich. 😞😞😞

We stayed all the day at home and we see how is around to home.

My last week in HELSINKI

Hey guys!!
This is my last week in helsinki. This week was a busy one but with a lot of interesant things, we went to Helmi (thats's the school of our tutors) to celebrate the Lucia's Day. There we saw children singing and we had like a brunch there with typical food ans drinks. The next day we also went to the school but to do some classes of Spanish to help their students and to explain them our Christmas traditions in Spain, that day also the pop up students arrived to Helsinki and we also met them in the evening after that we went with some tutors to a church to saw an event where the people sing Christmas songs.

Yesterday that was Saturday we went to visit the Caravan that there were the other students of  Spain and after that we went to pick up our teacher of English Cristina to the airport because in theory she was arriving at one but the plane had some problems and it couldn't take off of Frankfurt, for her was a surprise because she thought that we weren't there to pick her up. Moreover this week snowed more  heavily and it was so beautiful.

17 dic 2016

Culinary Caravan on the move

The culinary caravan is on the move.
We stay on teurastamo Christmas Market today and tomorrow offering street food and christmas sweets from Spanin, Latvia, Italia and Finland.

16 dic 2016

Culinary Caravan on the Move (Helsinki)

Hi everybody from Helsinki,
We are preparing wall for open our new Erasmus project called "Culinary Caravan on the move"
We are 9 school from 4 different countries. 4 culinary schools from Helsinki, Riga, Bardolino and Barcelona and 5 business schools from Finland, Latvia, Italy and Spain.
Our project consist of create on culinary food truck and give them our costumers on Teurastamo Christmas Market during next weekend.
We are here 3 students from Badalonès School Vocational training: Raquel Chica, Emily Ortiz and Brian Baldó with our teacher Ricard Eguíluz.

15 dic 2016


This wednesday was a normal day, we went
to work like normal, we started to change the number with a collegues of work for to maintain the contact. Later we stayed at home with the family.
We are so exited to return to Spain because we miss a lot our family and friends
And now we are starting to buy the gifts.

13 dic 2016

A long journey, a day off at work and one week to leave

Hello everybody, how was your weekend?

Ours, for the people we're in Helsinki, was very very tired. 
We arrived from Rovaniemi at 9 o'clock in the morning on Sunday. I personally, couldn't sleep in the train.
We had normal seats and the train carriage was full. In addition to that, they turned off the light very late so it was impossible to sleep.
According to this, I personally, when I arrived home at 10:30 i slept until 19:00, so that was the plan for Sunday.
At night, I went to the sauna there's at home. Very relaxing...

On Monday, Cristina and I went to our work places. Marta was sick of the journey so she stayed at home. At the afternoon, we met the both of us to buy some gifts at the centre. We saw the poster announcing the opening of the PopUp restaurant in Helsinki, also from students in our school.

On Tuesday, we had a celebration at the school. It's called Lucia day. Children from the school near Helmi, came to sing some songs at the school. 
I didn't go to work because I had a day off at work, Marta was still with little flu and to Cristina, they told her not to go for a few hours so, we went to the centre and then to the library to do English exercices we have to do if you do an Erasmus.
Every time we meet at the centre, we meet at Rautatientori, the central railway station, in the city centre of Helsinki. That's the main point for all the trains, trams, buses and metro.

Furthermore, we're leaving in 1 week. There is people that might want to go right now home in Spain because they don't like the weather, the food, etc. and there may be also people that want to stay where they are because they like where they are, the family... If you ask me, I have mixed feelings about it. 
On the one hand, I miss my family and the people there but, on the other hand, I'm comfortable here. My family is really really nice and at work they are also very nice and helpful with me, so I can't ask more! Here I leave a photo of my house.

Next post It will be written in Spain


12 dic 2016

Dachau and BMW museum

Last Saturday I went to see the concentration camp of Dachau with my sister, my brother in law, Pol and Edgar. Dachau is 30 minutes from München.

We heard a recording of a day in the concentration camp for a one person. It was very sad.

Then We went to eat together.

On Sunday Pol, Edgar and me We went to the BMW museum. We saw the first BMW cars and the new cars, We also saw bikes. But my favourite cars are these.

Then we climbed a tower that shows the whole city.

11 dic 2016

Decorating the Xmas Tree + Trip to Santa Claus Village

Hi everyone,
Yesterday we decorated the Christmas Tree of the school with Juhani and Suvi ( thats are two of the tutors), we met at the school at 12:00 and had luch at 12:30. We were decorating the tree for one hour.
The tree was decorated very beautifully.

Yesterday, also we took a train form Helsinki to Rovaniemi at 6:52 p.m., and we stayed all the night there and arrived to Rovaniemi at 7:30 in the morning. The journey was a little bit tired but okey.
When we arrived to the station we had to take a bus to go to Santa Claus Village that was like 30 minutes, there the first thing that we did was of course seing Santa and took a picture with him. After that we went to see all the village and we took a lot of photographs. Finally Angel and Marta went for a ride with the reindeers and we also went to have lunch there.

Before going to the train, we went to see the city of Rovaniemi that its a small but very beautiful, there we bought souvenirs of Lapland. Finally we went walking to the train station to see what was like the rest of the city. At 9:10 we caught the train to return back to Helsinki in the next post I am going to tell you how was  the journey of returning back.

10 dic 2016

Concentration camp in Dachau

Today we get up at 8 am and we meet with Nerea and Nerea's sister and her boyfriend (They come Germany to visit her). Then we went to Dachau to see the concentration camp.
We arrived at 10 am to the station train of Dachau and we get a bus, than we lost three times after
getting it.
Later when we arrived we visited all the camp (rooms, crematorium, church...). We read that in the camp died thousands of people incluided spanish people,1 of them from Badalona (San Roque).
Moreover we returned to MarienPlatz and we eat in a restaurant there.
Finally we arrived home and we rest for tomorrow.

Places that we visited, etc.

Here is Marlena again, and I will explain how my week was.

At  work this week there were many things to do, I have been working at the bakery department serving the costumers and helping my colleagues.

My classmates and I found last week a cafe where we go almost every day of the week and some of the waiters are spanish  and we can dialogue with them in spanish, it's funny. The name of the cafe is Coffee Fellows and they do really good coffees and hot chocolates.

In these 2 weeks that we have been here we have noticed that there are a lot of Spanish people, and sometimes we speak with them.

Nerea and I were at a guided tour with bicycle and we visited the Englisher Garten, The Royal Family's house,A house that was built at the 2ww's time and some other places.


9 dic 2016

IBERICUS 2016 - 2017

We have pleasant to inform that our vocational training department has stablished a new collaboration agreement with the vocational training school in Business and Administration and International Trade, San Jose de Calasanz, located in Bilbao. The project, called Ibericus+, is one of the 900 activities that are integrated in the European Vocational Skill Week.

The aim of the project, which took place last week from 27th November to 2nd December, is that students from both schools collaborate for this week in different types of activities, as academic as professional, in order to acquire knowledge about Catalan companies and their traditions. The project seeks to improve the educational and professional relationships between students and staff.

The main activity was the students from Basque Country joined with our students to their annually training to have a first impression about local business. Moreover, they visited the most interesting and innovating places in Badalona as Anis del Mono factory, the Museum of Comic and the future lock of the city.

Fourteen companies from the suburbs of Barcelona, especially from Badalona, worked together as partners to accomplish the project, with the collaboration of Augusta Students Residence located in Barcelona city centre, in which the student were hosted all their stay.

Join us in: #FpIBERICUS2016
For further information you can see Badalona News in the next link:

7 dic 2016


Today, has been a normal day,  than consist in:
First we get up at 8 am ,we have a shower and we eat something for breakfast.
Later we go to the work with the subway, and we do a ride of 25 minutes.
Our work time is from 10 am to 4 pm, at the middel of that we have one hour to eat normally we do it from 1pm to 2 pm.
Moreover when we finish  work we meet our Spanish friends and we go to have dinner in a restaurant.
Finally we return home and we go to bed.

A cancelled journey, an X Factor Finalist and a National Day

Hello everybody! How's going?

Here the weather's a little bit crazy because one day we might be at 6 degrees and the next one at -12, but, it's Finland!
Okay, so on Sunday we were actually going to Tallinn (Estonia), but the trip by boat was cancelled because of the weather, so we went to the offices of the company to request the refund of the tickets. Later on, we stayed at the centre buying some gifts at the Christmas markets there are.
On Monday we went to work at the morning, like always. I work in Neste Oil Malmi, a petrol station with supermarket very near the school and of my home.
At the afternoon we went to see Saara Aalto, a finnish singer who is in the final in the XFactor UK. She came from London at the morning and at the afternoon she was in Helsinki centre. People was very excited that a finnish singer was in the final of a very important talent show.

Tuesday was Finland's National Day. They celebrate 99 years of the independence of Russia. We went to see the different activities there were in the city, furthermore we went home to have dinner.
I had a dinner between finnish and rare dinner. Before eating, I had toast with a tasty sauce with caviar. The first plate was a tick soup of cauliflower. The second was salmon with cooked potatoes and mushroom sauce and for desert, ice cream.

Finally, at the evening we went altogether with our brothers and sisters to the cinema to see The Accountant.

Next Tuesday more!

Ice Skating

Hi everybody!!, Yesterday we went ice skating! The truth is that for the time that we are not very cold.

It was skating in the afternoon about 7 pm after work, at the beginin Angel and I didn't want to go because we were bad enough but we made the best choice to go, because we had a great time with our brothers who came with us, and friends of them were nice and we laughed a lot.

At the beginning we are very embarrased and we very awkward but thanks to that we could laugh a lot, since like for example. Angel fall on Cristina and but little by little we took confidence and we left releasing more and improving.

After that, we had gotten loose and improved in skating we raced between us, we played hockey with a little boy on the track.

We had a lot of fun day and its diferent to the we can do in Barcelona.

 I hope you like them!!

4 dic 2016

Job + Museums + Concert

Cristina and at the moment I'm living in Helsinki, Finland.
This week I am going to tell about my work and a concert that i went today.
Here in Finland I'm working in a K-Market in Aurinkolahti that is near to the sea ( there is colder than in my house in Mellunmaki. I start work at 10 am in the morning and i finish at 3 pm, my job is there is restocking products and order them.

On Friday we went with the tutors to visit museums in the center of Helsinki, we visited the Kiasma and the Natural History Museum.

Today we went to a concert of a finish singer Benjamin, we wait there in the queue for two ours in fornt of Nosturi in the cold because it was -6 degrees. Finally when the concert started we were inside warmand listening the music it was cool and fun.

3 dic 2016


Today we get up at 11 am and we went whith our german brother's to a  water park named "Galaxy Water Parc at Therme Erding". Moreover it is an hour from our home. Also is the biggest indor water park in europe.
We have gone with our german brother's and some friends of their.

Furthermore we've tried all the water slides and all the pools. For us the better thing is the outdoor pool, because in the outside it was at -2º and the pool water was 30º.

Finally we returned home and we eat some great food.

2 dic 2016


Our Wednesday, was not really bussy, We started the day at 8 am weaking up to go to work like every day.
After the work, We returned home to take the gloves and the hat because it was very cold (-8º).
Later, we met our Spanish friends, we went to visit some shops, moreover we went to a restaurant named "Opatija" that makes very good food.
Finally we returned home to sleep.