25 nov 2010

First week in Finland


First week on finland:

 I'm in an apartment with Silvia and Jenni.
Silvia also work with me in Addidas Outlet, a huge store located in Vantaa to 15 minutes by bus from our apartment. We are currently making stock, and some marketing thing, although we were told that later, we will serve the public.

This afternoon we said goodbye to Cristina, because tomorrow  returns to Spain, so have a good trip! but here we are waiting with the cold, for when you come with Ricard.

Tomorrow we will stay with our tutors to go for a drink at night in center of Helsinki. They are very attentive to us and are very nice, but Silvia will tell you  tomorrow.

In one picture you can see Silvia, Cristina, Jarko (our boss) and me.

Many kisses and hugs for all,


2 comentarios:

Erasmus+ dijo...

aprovechar que en esta foto se ve el sol y creo que será de las poquitas, ya que aquí es la primera vez que lo vemos jajaja

ricard dijo...

Al Lloro amb les nigth of Helsinki.
Ja hem fareu 5 cts. per quan vingui .
"Guapu" l'outlet Adidas.
Una abraçada

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