22 nov 2016

Starting our Erasmus experience in Helsinki

Hello everybody. My name is Angel Rodríguez and I'm one of the 3 students we are in Finland.
The other 2 students are Marta Cabello and Cristina Fernandez and we travelled with teacher Montse to Helsinki from 21th November to 20th December.
Monday morning. We had our flight at 6:00 in the morning. We had to be at the airport at 4:00. We were all sleeppy...😪 The flight was nice, they gave us a little snack that was a little bit weird but acceptable 😊

We had a connection in Frankfurt for an hour so we had time to relax, go to the toilet, etc.

Finally we arrived to Helsinki.
You could notice you were there because it was 4ºC a warm weather there.
Later, our families came to receive us at the airport and we went to our houses to install ourselves.

At tuesday morning, we had to be at 10 at the school. I took the bus with my brother in there. A very curious thing is that the people prefer to be quiet, so there was nobody at the bus talking, just looking at the window.
We had a little meeting at the school, there we met our tutors, students volunteers that make activities for you, then a tour in the school. It's very different from our school: they have cafeteria, sports center, gym, PE room, theatre room...
Later on, we visited our job places, we all work in supermarkets in the mornings for 5 hours more or less.

After that, we went to Helsinki city center where we visited some cathedrals and shopping centres. It's a very nice city in this days because it's all decorated with Christmas trees, christmas lights... Tomorrow is our first day of work, we're very anxious!

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