21 dic 2010

I am so glad to have lived this experience with our students in Helsinki! I am sure none of us will ever forget the days spent here and everything we learnt from our fellow Finish counterparts!
Thanks to Helmi Business School who have been the greatest hosts. Janne Ylinampa and Markus Oedewald, your help and warmth in welcoming us has made this experience a very positive unique! And special thanks to Soili Heini, our students English teacher who was extremely kind with us and made Finland special for us. And thanks Paulina, too! 
Of course, thanks to all the host families Heidi, Erina and Tytti, who I'm sure have been very patient and understanding and have given our students the chance to get to know Finninsh culture better. 
Thanks also to all the tutors and students at Helmi: Alette, Jenny, Jose, Laura, Anika... it was great to meet you all, we really apreciate all the things you showed us!
Finally thanks to all the companies who colaborated with us, it was a great experience for our students, some of them even discovered new work indutries that might enlighten their careers so you have obviously made an impression on them!!
And of course, thanks to my coordinator Ricard Eguiluz who was a great travelling companion and my very apreciated colleague Aniceto Ramirez who made it possible for me to work in Finland and take part in all this great experience.

Sad to leave, happy to welcome you in my country soon, 
Bon Nadal a tots
Hyvää Joulua :)))))

Més no es pot demanar !!!

Han estat 30 dies intensos  per a tots i ara toca fer un petit balanç.
Qui hagués dit, ara fa 6 mesos, que el nostre col·legi tindria sis alumnes de cicles formatius  fent pràctiques empresarials a Finlàndia.
Sembla impossible però, gràcies a l’esforç de tots, aquesta utopia ha estat possible.
Volem agrair  la impagable col·laboració de la comunitat educativa del Helmi Business College així com de les empreses que han acollit els nostres alumnes com son: Finnair, Mercuria Business College, Unique Tours i Adidas outlet.
No ens volem oblidar dels  alumnes de l’escola Helmi que han fet de tutors dels nostres a Helsinki
Ni, per descomptat, de  les tres famílies d’acollida que  han tingut una paciència extraordinària amb els nostres nois i noies.
Sembla mentida que un país tant fred ens hagi acollit amb aquesta calor.
Només  queda desitjar, a tothom,  un Bon Nadal i feliç any nou.
I a la primavera esperem estar a l’alçada quan, els alumnes del Helmi Business College, vinguin a fer pràctiques al nostre país.
See you in Badalona :-)

Christmas dinner in Helsinki

 Thanks, Helmi, for inviting us to a delicious dinner with traditional dishes for Christmas.

20 dic 2010

end of a unique experience !!

I think that this month I enjoy thanks so many people. I learned so much about them and I want said thanks.
I want to thank our colleagues Mila, Miika, Eetu, Toni and our boss Jarkko, also our tutors Jannika, Alette, Laura and Tytti for spend ther time with us.
I also thank to Soili, Markus and Janne because they have worked hard for us to be good.

And finally tell Aniceto, Christian and Ricard haver thank you very much for the fact that we have a unique opportunity.

Thanks for all.

I really enjoyed this trip!!

I will miss you!!


Last Finish day :(

Today we have been for the last time in Helmi for say Goodbye. We are really thank to Helmi, students (Laura, Allette, Tytti, Jannika, Jenny and Jose) to showed Helsinki nights, to Soili for her patience and for all thing that she encouraged us to do, to Finnair for all it has taught me and Cristina, and specially to Aniceto, Ricard and Cristina for dedicated their time to make come true this project. Thanks to all!!

It isn't a goodbye but is a see you soon!!! I will miss you Finland!!


The last day before to return to Barcelona

Today is my last day to stay in Helsinki, I am very sad because I will miss all: Helmi school, Soili the english teacher of Helmi, the friends (Mireia, Jenni, Silvia, Adria, Cristina, Laura, Alette, Jannika, tytti, Jose, colleges (Alberto, Ilona, Carmen, Mikko), and the family that host me (Heidi and her husband, Maaria, Sare). I´m very grateful with them because they well very nice with me also I grateful with teachers of Badalones Aniceto, Ricard and Cristina for give me this experience, I will never forget this.

Thanks for all!
They always in my mind!!!

See you soon.


Don't forget the days in Finland

Today is our last day in Finland, we're pretty sad about leaving Finland and all the friends we've made here.
I want to thank:

Thanks, first of all, the family who welcomed me here during this month, Tytti, Maija and Iilkaa, thanks to you my time has been much better, I felt at home. Thanks so much!

Thanks to Helmi school for allowing us to be here during this month and have helped us so much. Especially Markus, Janne and our teacher Sojli.

Thanks also to our tutors and friends, Jose and Jennu not forget the good times spent with you!

Thanks also to Finnair, especially, Ami and Patricia, for attend us so well and being able to learn much.

Finally, thanks to the School Badalones, for giving us this opportunity. Especially Cristina and Ricard for caring and taking care of us during our stay here.
And, of course, thanks Aniceto would not have had this opportunity if it were not for you!

Thanks! I will miss you all!!


I will miss all of you!

 In last day in Finland I want to thank everyone who helped us and has been attentive with us, Helmi school, especially to Markus, Janne, Soili (for classes and outings), and our tutors that have led us every weekend at different places.
I will  miss also our colleagues from adidas who were very nice with us,and I really apreciated them, and of course the Colegi Badalonès to have given me the opportunity to live this experience, in particular Cristina, Ricard and Aniceto who have devoted much time to we can enjoy it.


Don´t forget me because I will miss you a lot.
See you in summer! ( L )

See you Finland....!

I am sad for leaving Finland .. because me and my Spanish classteamates  we have spent very good moments!!
I don´t  have words to describe as so many Helmi, Mercuria and our tutors, Jose and Jenu have treated us ,Because always they have been worrying for us at all time.

Thanks  Helmi ( Markus Oedenwald , Janne Ylinampa , Soili) For worrying always for us, having an exquisite treatment and for the whole support for the practices i the English lessons.

Thanks Mercuria Business School  , to all staff , For having patience great and time in teaching my self like to realize my tasks in Mercuria and for trusting in my to realize classes to the students

Thanks to our tutors  , José and Jennu  ,For all the moments that you have made us spend, i the whole attention that you have given us!!! Thank you for everything! We will return promised! You know that always! We expect for you to see in Barcelona ehhhh!!

Thanks to my  finnish family and "Gaga" , For taking refuge, for loving myself as a son! For being always attentive for my, for if he needed something! For being with me in all the moments here ..! Indeed I do not have words for this .. simply to define it in.. YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

Thanks very important to Badalones School! For this great opportunity that which you've given to us !
Thanks to Ricard Eguiluz and Cristina , to take care to us in Helsinki and  For worrying always for us

Thanks very IMPORTANT , to ANICETO RAMÍREZ , because without him it might not have done all that! Thank you for the faith that you have had in mounting all this project i for giving us this great opportunity! I dont have words to describe all.

I misss all  !!! = (

I have desire of friends, my girlfriend see all my family and my friends!

Best Regards !!

Adria !!!

Pd: " Va Alcalde que m'has trobat a faltar ehh ! jajaja Más tenso que Eduardo Manostijeras poniendose lentillas! jajajajajaaja :)

Last day at Helmi Business College (Kiitos-Gràcies)

Spanish class at Helmi

19 dic 2010

The Finnish sauna

The Finnish sauna is a substantial part of Finnish culture. There are five million inhabitants and over two million saunas in Finland - an average of one per household. For Finnish people the sauna is a place to relax in with friends and family, and a place for physical and mental relaxation as well.

 Taking a sauna begins by washing oneself up and then going to sit in the hot room, typically warmed to 80-110 degrees Celsius.
When the heat begins to feel uncomfortable it is customary to jump into a lake, sea, or a river in this case . In the winter is tipycal rolling in the snow or even swimming in a hole cut in the ice

Video Cross Country

Cross Country near Helsinki

Skiing at only nine kilometres from the heart of Helsinki. 

 four o'clock (p.m.)

Message in a bottle

Records a tota la escola i en especial als meus alumnes de 4t d'ESO i cicles formatius de grau mitjà i superior
Moi  Moi (Ricard) :-)  :-)

Old Market Hall (Wanha Kauppahalli Palvelee)

Next to Kauppatori market square, behind the ports and the Kolera-allas part of the port stands the Old Market Hall, a red and yellow-brick building built in 1888. Is a great place to do some shopping for Finnish delicacies, especially in the winter. Here you will find fishmongers, butchers, bakers, cheese, fruit and vegetable shops, and souvenirs. If you are not interested in shopping it is always worth walking here just to have some lunch in one of the little restaurants and cafés. Kultasuklaa is a paradise for chocolate-lovers, and Robert Paulig has an excellent coffee and tea selection. One of the few sushi bars in Helsinki is situated here, too

18 dic 2010

Day at Suomenlinna

Today we spent the day at Suomenlina island. Jenny and José, two tourism students from Helmi came with us and gave us a guided tour. A boat took us there through the iced Baltic waters and we walked around the island at -12ºC and snow to our knees! It was great fun!!

Jenny telling us some interesting facts and annecdotes about Suomenlinna island.

Our best wishes

All the crew at the museum

Canyon girls

snow angels

Having tea at Alexander II living room :)

Mercuria Business College

biology classroom


Good anti-stress system