20 dic 2010

See you Finland....!

I am sad for leaving Finland .. because me and my Spanish classteamates  we have spent very good moments!!
I don´t  have words to describe as so many Helmi, Mercuria and our tutors, Jose and Jenu have treated us ,Because always they have been worrying for us at all time.

Thanks  Helmi ( Markus Oedenwald , Janne Ylinampa , Soili) For worrying always for us, having an exquisite treatment and for the whole support for the practices i the English lessons.

Thanks Mercuria Business School  , to all staff , For having patience great and time in teaching my self like to realize my tasks in Mercuria and for trusting in my to realize classes to the students

Thanks to our tutors  , José and Jennu  ,For all the moments that you have made us spend, i the whole attention that you have given us!!! Thank you for everything! We will return promised! You know that always! We expect for you to see in Barcelona ehhhh!!

Thanks to my  finnish family and "Gaga" , For taking refuge, for loving myself as a son! For being always attentive for my, for if he needed something! For being with me in all the moments here ..! Indeed I do not have words for this .. simply to define it in.. YOU ARE BRILLIANT!

Thanks very important to Badalones School! For this great opportunity that which you've given to us !
Thanks to Ricard Eguiluz and Cristina , to take care to us in Helsinki and  For worrying always for us

Thanks very IMPORTANT , to ANICETO RAMÍREZ , because without him it might not have done all that! Thank you for the faith that you have had in mounting all this project i for giving us this great opportunity! I dont have words to describe all.

I misss all  !!! = (

I have desire of friends, my girlfriend see all my family and my friends!

Best Regards !!

Adria !!!

Pd: " Va Alcalde que m'has trobat a faltar ehh ! jajaja Más tenso que Eduardo Manostijeras poniendose lentillas! jajajajajaaja :)

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