20 dic 2010

Don't forget the days in Finland

Today is our last day in Finland, we're pretty sad about leaving Finland and all the friends we've made here.
I want to thank:

Thanks, first of all, the family who welcomed me here during this month, Tytti, Maija and Iilkaa, thanks to you my time has been much better, I felt at home. Thanks so much!

Thanks to Helmi school for allowing us to be here during this month and have helped us so much. Especially Markus, Janne and our teacher Sojli.

Thanks also to our tutors and friends, Jose and Jennu not forget the good times spent with you!

Thanks also to Finnair, especially, Ami and Patricia, for attend us so well and being able to learn much.

Finally, thanks to the School Badalones, for giving us this opportunity. Especially Cristina and Ricard for caring and taking care of us during our stay here.
And, of course, thanks Aniceto would not have had this opportunity if it were not for you!

Thanks! I will miss you all!!


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