17 mar 2016

Our second day working

UToday it's our second day at work, I work at Sokos, wih Enric and Laia, and it's like a finnish «El corte inglés».

First of all, our jorney begins at 7:00 o'clock, and we finish at 13. When we arrive there, we have to go to our locker room, and leave all the clothes to put our Soko's uniform.

Then, we go to the first floor, there are the make up products, and we have to put it at the correct site.
We have to do this until our break at 9:00, until 9:24.

When the break finish, we go to the second or third floor, those are about clothes, the first day we were putting the clothes in order by size, from S to XXL, that's boring!!!!

Today we've been putting the prices on the clothes, we've got a good time and we enjoy it, that's more funny!

Then we have another break at 11 to have lunch, but.. well, we prefer to have lunch at 13 when we finish.

Today we've lunch some junk food at McDonald's, and then we go to Enric's room on the Hostl to review our accountancy exercises.
At 4:30, we have met with Mar, Monica, Aina and a few minutes later with Mr. Galvez, who leaves tomorrow.
Now it's a little bit different, because we are alone here, but I think we'll survive.

Here I will put the attatchment of today photography's.

See you on next thursday!!

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