29 nov 2014

A week full of snow!

Hi from Finland in our second week to everyone!

This week we have done so much things.

Today we have been to Tallin, Estonia.
It was all snowed!!!!! We love it!
The problem was the weather, it was minus 5, FREEZING!

That's the center of Tallin, in its is a small market square where you can buy whatever you can imagine: socks, hats (I've bought one), gloves, little house to put the incense, etc.

That's Ari and me, with this sad face because we were freezed.

Ari and I next to a beautiful castle there in the center of Tallin.
Forest all snowed

All the family in Tallin.
 Sampo; my brother, Tarja; my mum, Merja; a friend of my mum , Ari and I.

An amazing bar where my mum and her friend has taken a beer with honey, they have enjoyed a lot.

Also this week, we have gone to the skating of Helsinki center. We enjoyed a lot, even thought the fact that Ari fell down and got all his pants wet. But it was so funny to see her laying on the floor and crying at the same time that she was laughing.

Skating, in front of Rautatientori Station.

And finally we went to an Ice bar. Not only a bar, it was also Ice Hotel and with lots of activities to do. Look:

We had so much fun doing all those activities!

Next week more guys, hope that you have envy and you join us one year in this amazing experience.

See you.
Pusuja! (It means kisses)

Jamie Domínguez

28 nov 2014

Second week in Finland!

Hi readers, I'm Ari.

Last weekend my family and I have visited Flamingo Spa with Jamie and it was like a amusement park.

Changing rooms in Flamingo Spa after having fun in the slides and the jacuzzis.

Before that, I went to sleep at Jamie's house for one night, and we take a sauna and then roll in the snow. Well, not everybody, just me!
In one of the living rooms.

 That day snowed and we were very exciting.

This is me in the center of Helsinki full of snow.

Yesterday, I went with Jamie to all the shopping centers in Helsinki, like Kampi, Forum and Sokos. I bought two jumpers and Jamie bought two jumpers and a shirt.

Kampi shopping center.

Tomorrow, we are going to Estonia, but that will be explained in Jamie's blog.

See you next week, have fun!

Students of the popup estaurant project interviewed in Catalunya Radio

Students of  the popup estaurant project interviewed in Catalunya Radio

Int’l Pop-up Restaurant Project

Students and teachers of six colleges from four European countries gathered together 9th–10th Oct. 2014 in Helsinki to a Kick off of an inspiring, practical and encouraging new pedagogical learning model of entrepreneurship.
One of the global challenges today is juvenile unemployment. In a multi-cultural Pop-up project we bring together students and entrepreneurs providing entrepreneurship as a one ways of employment.

Let’s establish Pop-up Restaurants!
An Erasmus+ Programme funded pan-European educational Pop-up Restaurant Project offers an opportunity to learn and exchange good entrepreneurial practices and skills with international twist as well as to promote the EU’s broad diversity and intercultural awareness. In the project we encourage students to entrepreneurship, to build international networks and to take advantage of them as an opportunity to get employed.
Project participants
During the years 2014–2016 one hundred and twenty students, eight teachers and three restaurateurs from Finland, Italy, Latvia and Spain will participate in the project where the students establish a pop-up restaurant for two days in every participant country.
The students design all the pop-up restaurants from 0 to 100. They create the operative concepts, the visual set ups of the restaurants and go into founding of the company. They plan a.i. the restaurant’s marketing, sales, promotions and menus providing know-how of culinary and food cultures cross the participant countries.
Speed up – future professionals at work!
Work distribution will be reasonable: the business students take care of marketing, cook students of the menus and kitchen, and waiter students of serving. Yet as business partners every student has, of course, the mandate to impact in all fields of the project, too.
All plans and executions observe the cultural differences including legislation of hygiene and sanitation, and companies. The teachers and the experienced restaurateurs backup effort.
In the project students of Helmi accomplish a course of Entrepreneurship (10 crs).
Pop-up restaurants opening schedule and menu concepts

25.–31.1.2015 Helsinki / Finland (Spanish menu)
5/2015 Badalona / Spain (Finnish menu)
1/2016 Riga / Latvia (Italian menu)
5/2016 Bardolino / Italy (Latvian menu)
In between face-to-face sessions the teams keep on connecting on Lync, OneDrive and Facebook.

Int’l Pop-up Restaurant project – rousing learning by doing

26 nov 2014

First week

Hi i'm Aaron

My first week in Finland has been very exciting, I’ve visited lots of places and I’ve met new people every day.
 I’m living in Tusuula a city that is quite  far away from Helsinki but it’s quite good the style of the houses to be near the nature and the peace that we have here, I’m working in Neste Oil which is a service area where the costumers come to take a coffee and maybe to make the shopping for the houses.
 The people who I’m working  with are really nice and they like to talk a lot which is the opposite about what we think off the finish people.
 At the weekend I visited Porvo, it’s an small town where there aren’t a lot off thing to do, but it has an small old town with wooden houses which are really nice to see.Now a days that houses are small  shops and cafes that  everyone who comes to Finland should visit.

25 nov 2014

The plans on the fly!

Hi, I'm Mayra!
Our plan of today (Sunday) were:
a) In the morning go to Olypmpia Park and the BMW Museum.
b) And in the evening go to "Inglés Garden" with our teacher Bonilla.
The first plan we could do. Well, more or less. But the second...we made some changes.

In theory we had to meet all over 10:30 in front of the BMW Museum,  but for problems with the scheduling train and bus, Andrea and Rachel couldn't come sooner. While, Maria and I took advantage for make a lot of photos. The day was so cold!

When the girls arrived, we walked inside the museum (it's free!) and we saw every car ... I liked all of them, but my future MINI is the best ;)
Like everything we could do quickly, we decided to go to the town where the girls are staying and in the afternoon return for go to The English Garden. But when we stay on the train, we felt that we were very tired. So we had to cancel the afternoon with our teacher Bonilla.
When we arrived on the village, the day didn't help us, too cold and fog. Leena's parents, the girl who Andrea and Raquel are living, could not come to pick us up at the station (on Sundays they didn't have train) so we took a taxi very expensive.
When we arrived at home, we ate together and all was perfect, except for the fact that Maria and I had to return early and walk down the road. 

From there we vowed that we never come back here.
On returning we were very tired, but we told at teacher Bonilla for dinner. The restaurant waiters are known us, at least Maria and me.
Before returning to the residence, we made a brief stop at Marienplatz (the central square where there free Wi-Fi.
And this was our day, interesting and entertaining.

24 nov 2014

Finland is awesome!

Here's Jamie!

I've been here in Finland for a week and I can tell you than even though it's freezing, it's very beautiful!
Ari and I have seen snow last week, on Friday! Look:

This is my garden full of snow

The boy in the photo is my fin brother Sampo.

When it began snowing Ari and I were like little kids making snow balls and throwing it to each other.
It was really amazing!! In Spain we are not used to this kind of temperatures and on having all the hair white because of the snow.
On the forecast it says that on Tuesday and Thursday will snow again, we are waiting for it!!

We are working in Tarjoustalo, a huge supermarket that either sells you forks and spoons than a Christmas tree. Our job is unpacking boxes and put the things in their place, nothing special but that's better than nothing. 
This is our uniform:

With us came another guy, Aaron.
We don't see him so much because he lives like at 40 minutes or more from the center, but we try almost once a week to meet each other.
And that following photo is in Rautatientori, the train station, in front of the skating of Helsinki, that we haven't tried yet but this week we will.

That's all for today, next week I'll post more things about our experience.
I hope you have liked it!!

Kunnes seuraava, that in finnish it means "hasta la próxima".

21 nov 2014

Hallo München!

I am Maria,

We are in Múnich since Wednesday morning and during these days we have been visiting the city. 

When we arrived at the airport, Ana was waiting for us. Then we went to school to leave our package and we visit some places like Marientplatz where we have wifi! After that, Raquel and Andrea went to Lenas house; and Mayra and me went to the residence.

It was a long day so we went to sleep early because the netxt day we had to be at school at 8 o'clock in the morning!

Barcelona Airport

Múnich school

20 nov 2014

We arrived!

We arrived to Finland!

Jamie and me are working in Tarjoustlo shop! It's funny but when old people ask to ask somerhing in Suomi and we said that we don't know Suomi they get angry!

The wearher it's very cold but I imagine worse. We stay more or less at 1°C!

I love my room and me house too, we live near of the train Station, and I only have to take one train to go work. At the moment I don't lost, and I hope not!

See you next month Ari!

11 nov 2014


Hi! I'm Mayra Cotrina and I'm one of the 4 girls who will go to Munich, Germany, the next week on Wednesday.
I'll stay in a students residence, called "Stahlgruber Shiftung", about 30 minutes of Munich.

I'm so nervous because we have to go abroad in 8 days. I have pack my bags and I don't know exactly what things I will have to take. But, yes, I have clear all the places I would like to visit.

- Beerhouse "Horfbräuhaus", the most famous beer on the world.
- The Englischer Garten (The English Garden)
- And more other places.

I hope to have a beautiful month in Munich, with my classmates.

Travel to Finland

Hi! I'm Aina,
I will go to Finland in March, but my classmates go next week. They say that they are very nervous but also they are looking forward to going.
When I go I would like go to a sauna and visit all the monuments in the capital of the country. For example the Parliament of Finland or the Helsinki City Hall. And I would like to eat a typical Finland food. 


Hello guys!! I'm Raquel

Today is the firts day writing the blog.
In 8 days i'm leaving to Munich. I'm a little nervous, but i'm happy to travel there.
This week i'm packing all the things for the trip, specially the documentation all the clothes for the month.

We have doing some reserch some interesting sites to visit in Munich, one of this is the Hofbräuhaus.
This is very important, and it's typical to visit in ther, because is the most famous brewery.

I'm looking forward to arriving!!

Trip to Finland

Hello I'm Ariadna Santos!

I'm leaving to Finland in 5 days.
I'm looking forward to meeting my family and know all about them and do things with them.
These week I'm packing all the tinkg that I will take to go to Finland.

These weeks we are doing some preparatory classes before we going to our destination in my case to Finland.

Now I'm going to show some of Finald about the Power point That I have to do.

            It's the Rock church