21 dic 2011

Letzte Tage.

Als einer meiner letzten Tagen, verwendete ich meine ganze Zeit.
Es gibt eine Kirche über die Straße vom Marienplatz die Sie besuchen den Turm klettern und schauen Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten können.
Nach dem Aufstieg 320 Stufen, das ist was ich gefunden habe.


I'll miss Munich...


20 dic 2011


Today it's our last night here in Finland. It's a pity! Tomorrow at 12 o'clock we will take a plane to Barcelona, so this will be my last upload in blog. And I just want to thank you to all the people who made this amazing trip possible.

I want to thank Hakala family for take me in their home. They're very nice people!!

Then, I want to thank the finish students and teachers who made all they can for us and especially Soili for her English lessons.

And finally, I also want to thank all the Badalonès teachers who have worked for make this project true. Thank you so much!



This morning, to warm our winter world, we drink a glass of hot red wine 'mulled' with spices, fruit and for good luck, an almond. In Finland and Sweden, mulled wine is called 'glöggi' and 'vinglögg', because, I dare to say, for the easy way it glug-glugs down our throats.

(Hot Red Mulled Wine)

Hands-on time: 20 minutes
Time to table: 45 minutes
Makes about 4-1/2 cups
  • 1 bottle red wine
  • 1-1/2 cups tawny port
  • 3 – 4 thin slices of fresh ginger
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 6 cardamom seeds
  • 1 orange, zest and juice
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • Currants
  • Whole almonds
In a saucepan, bring all ingredients except sugar just to a boil but do not allow to boil. Stir in the sugar and stir until dissolved.
If there’s time, turn off the heat and let the flavors meld for a couple of hours before serving. Gloggi may be made 24 or 48 hours before serving, just cover and refrigerate. Before serving, return just to a boil but do not allow to boil. Remove the ginger and cinnamon. If you like (I don’t bother), strain out the spices and citrus zests.
To serve, drop a few currants and an almond into each glass and serve hot.

Last day in Finland


This is the last day in Finland.
Today we went to eat finnish typical food with the finnish students.
Then we went with them to take something.

And finally we came back to apartment to do the bags.

It has been a very good experience. I have been a pleasure to meet the finnish students and teachers.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year .
Thank you for all.


Last day in finland :(

Hello people,

Today was the last day in finland... In the morning i made some christmas cookies and my "mum" i put a very nice hat. After that i  visited ikea with my "sister" and i tasted ikea Finish food! That's fantastic food!

                                                        Christmas cookies :)

Cristina in the kitchen!

                                               Ikea's Food!    Really Good!

In the afternoon we meet int the Helsinki station with finish students for go to tipical finish restaurant's. The name is ZETOR. In this restaurant we ate a lot of finish food, for example reindeer.

Special salad with reindeer !!!

Spanish and Finish students in the restaurant

This experience are finished . For me, has been a fantastic and really good experience. We hope that the Finnish students and teachers visit us soon!

Thank you so much for all and Hyvää Joulua ( Merry Christmas) !!!!!


19 dic 2011

We visited Mercuria school

Today, Cristina and I visited the Mercuria school.
We have been invited to diner with them.
Thank you very much for helping us in this project.

Rovaniemi (1.1)

As Pau told yesterday, this weekend we were in Rovaniemi (Lapland). We joined this little trip, like we were children again. I show you two of the videos we did in Napapiri, the village of Santa Claus.

Today was our last day with Soili our english teacher, who has given us much grief goodbye to her, we hope to see her soon. In two days we will come back to Spain, and this experience has been short but very intense.

I encourage everyone to try this experience, I think it's something that we will never forget, we bring many good things and some not so good but all of this is part of  the experience.

This is my last blog update, so I wish you from Finland

ja Joulua Onnellista Uutta Hyvää Vuotto (Merry Christmas and a happy new year)

I playing with the sled

=) Leti*

18 dic 2011


This will be one of my last entries in this blog that I'll make being here in Germany, so excuse me, but its time to speak a little bit of German.

Heute ist Sonntag, und wie jeden Sonntag, alles ist geschlossen. So gestern habe ich es geschafft ein gehen zu kaufen von Lebensmitteln. Heute Morgen als ich aufwachte, sah aus dem Fenster alle mit Schnee bedekt war.
Zum Glück für mich, war gestern Nacht nicht das einzige Mal es hat geschneit. Bis etwa 3 Uhr nachmittags nicht zu stoppen! Ich bin sehr zufrieden weil jetzt ist alles Schnee. 

Und mit dieser Landschaft, begann ich zu packen, dass in kürzester Zeit bin ich wieder nach Spanien!
Selbst wenn ich ehrlich bin... Ich glaube, ich werde fliehen und hier bleiben zum Deutschland leben! hahaha

Das ist alles für heute!

Spanish omelette

Ja som a Helsinki i tornem a sopar amb els alumnes al seu apartament.

Com no han menjat bé durant 25 dies els regalem un sopar tipical spanish-catalonien.
Fuet, pernil, llom i una truita de patates fetes per el millor cuiner del mon. En "Ricard" (ara soc jo per que el Ferran Adrià està aturat temporalment). Per cert la truita es com les d'abans amb patata i ceba i no desestructurada ni coñes marineres.
Alerta!! i una miqueta de rioja per  passar el poc fred que fa aquest any.
Els alumnes ens han explicat els seus periples per aquestes contrades i diuen que no volen tornar;així que tindrem feina per ficar-los al avió.
Cristina i Ricard


This weekend Laura, Leti and me went to Rovaniemi. We took a train for 12 hours on Friday evening and we arrived at 8 o'clock to the northern territory. First we went to visit the Santa Claus house. We took a picture with him and we discovered that he speaks Catalan! Then we went to Santa Park, the place where elves live.

After that, we visited the Arktikum, a museum of the Lapland way of life. It was nice.
Finally, around nine o'clock, we took the train again to come back to Helsinki. We past a great time in Lapland.

Now, we're waiting Cristina and Ricard in the girls apartment for dinner, but they're late...


Cellars in Germany

Another curious fact about Germany, are all the cellars.
When I was on the warehouse with Götz, my boss, he told me I had to go everytime I go there to check the post. To arrive there, instead of going outside and enter by the front door, he show me another way. The cellar.
Cellars in Germany are very famous, and when they go to Spain, they're surprised because we don't have in all the buildings as it happens in Germany.
Years ago, they were very useful and now they're used for storage rooms and for keep all the bicycles, that as you already know, in Germany have preference before the pedestrians.

Here I leave you two photographies.
Actually, I don't like going by the cellars, they scare me.


15 dic 2011

Film in apartment


Today in the morning we went to the office. At the afternoon we went to the little shops in the principal square of Helsinki in front of white church. After, Cris, Leti, Pau and I went to the apartment and we watched a film.
Tomorrow, Leti, Pau and I will travel to Lapland.

Laura ;-)

14 dic 2011


Helloooo spain!

Yesterdey Pau, Laura, Leti an I were in estonia. We visited de old town. Tallin it's a very small but nice city. In de morning we toke the boat about 8:00 and arrive to tallin about 11:00. First we visited the principal church, and then we went to de center to visited  other places.

We were in a christmas market in the center of the city , and we saw the Papa noel House's. It was very small but fantastic. When they finish ate , we going to the port to toke the boat to went to helsinki about 17:00. In the boat we made a small poker chips and played. At 20:30 arrive to helsinki and went to home. Was a fantastic experience and day!



13 dic 2011


Hi people!

I have a photos of the visit to Seurasaareen on Sunday so I will update these photos even though it was yesterday when I had to, but yesterday, we had to prepare everything for our little trip to Tallinn (Estonia) Cristina will surely explain tomorrow.

Seurasaareen is a small island where you can reach through a bridge. Located just 15 minutes by bus from the station of Helsinki. An island totally prepared for the little ones all the way decorated handmade from natural materials, every few yards had activities for small, they offered cookies typical of Christmas in Finland and had people groups singing carols.
The truth that we liked a lot because we expected something more simple in the street, but the truth that was very nice and the older people enjoyed the Christmas spirit.


11 dic 2011


On Saturday we spent all the day in our homes because Friday night was so hard. Then I went to Tikkurila to watch the match between Madrid and Barça. We went to an english typical pub full of drunked people. Obviously Barça won.

Today, Sunday, we went to Seurasaareen, an island near Helsinki where local people organize some Christmas activities. The place was so crowd of finish children.

I don't have the photos of this weekend right now, so I upload this pair of pictures from our second day in Nukksio


10 dic 2011

Castles & the snow

Hello everyone!
Since my mum has come to Munich, I've done a lot of things... Some of them again because I had to show her, but never mind, it's good to do them again.

Yesterday was a loooong day. We took a bus at 8 am to bring us to Fussen (in an hour and a half from München by car) and there we visited two of the three castles that Ludwig II king had.

The first one was Linderhof, the little castle! Inside, it was forbidden to take photos, so I decided to appear in the outside, where were the garden.

OMG! I forgot to say it! It was the first time I saw the snow here in Germany! :D

Then, after we saw the first and the little castle, we were taken to Neuschwanstein the big one.
There, in the town, we were able to eat wherever whe want and then go up to the castle. We didn't know that the castle was so far away (about 30 minutes walking uphill through the mountain). We went by the wrong way, so we did an extra walking innecessary. I really looooove the castle. When I was little, I did a very big puzzle from Neuschwanstein, and I didn't know where it was but I said: I wanna go when I grow up. And, wow, here was I.
It was so pretty because there was snowing too!
We hadn't time to go to the bridge and take a photo from all the castle, but when we were going out, we found this model.
The bridge where the people took photos is behind me between the two mountains.
After visit the Neuschwanstein Castle (absolutely amazing, btw) it was time to walking downhill the mountain, and realice that the Hohenschwangau Castle, was just in front of us! (but the third castle from Ludwig II is Herrenchiemsee and we couldn't go there.)

The night was falling and the view was gorgeous too!

After this day, when I arrived to the residence I was actually dead, so I went to sleep and that's the reason I didn't post this yesterday. But when I woke up this morning, I had a surprise! It was snowing!!!!!!!

Since I came to München, I was saying I wanted to see the snow here, and until my mum has come, It doesn't!
And with this day, today we went to Allianz Arena (Bayern München FC), Olympiapark (Olympic Stadium) & BMW Museum and Tollwood!

So... I think I don't forget anything... That was my day!
Tomorrow I'll upload more photos from Neuschwanstein and Linderhof in the 'Fotos' page.
